Lisa E. Boyes
Mobile: 416-571-9511
Centennial College: federal grant collaboration, contextual research, positioning and writing
George Brown College: video scripts promoting college applied research to international graduates seeking additional entrepreneurial training in Canada
University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry: Case for Support for dental research, directed to the private sector
University of Toronto Faculty of Law: contributing editor to Nexus alumni magazine
Toronto Region Research Alliance: sectoral information and feature stories for this economic-development agency’s website
St. Joseph’s Health Centre: major-gift and annual appeals to private donors for capital projects
Colleges Ontario Network for Industry Innovation: applied research profiled at Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Discovery Day
Clarity of purpose
and expression
Using combined social-marketing, academic, consulting and editorial experience,
Ms. Boyes plans and implements projects. To make the client’s case, she creates content, such as the excerpts linked on this page, that also connect clients to their larger context.